I am fascinated by immaterial, inconspicuous processes and how little they are noticed - although we are comprehensively involved in them. Conceptual works develop these relationships through installations, photographs, public space, and the classic media of sculpture and drawing. Process-oriented, site-specific and preferably in-situ, these artistic instruments uncover views that are hidden by our imaginations. It is essential that my art makes suggestions to be allowed to take on new perspectives. She suggests hoisting flags for the territory of the sky, regarding borders as horizons, creating views or reclaiming one's own prospects.

I am the founder of the studio for non-linear thinking
To follow on Instagram > press here


born in Miltenberg / Germany, lives and works in Kiel, two children


Postgraduate artistic and scientific stipend from the Muthesius Art University


Master of Fine Arts at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, Media Art (Arnold Dreyblatt)


B.A. of Fine Arts at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, Sculpture / Installation (Elisabeth Wagner)


Glasgow Independent Studio, GIS Trongate, Scotland

grants | stipends | residencies


2. prize, invited art on architecture competition, Bundespolizei Lübeck
Artist in residence SÍM, Iceland
Grant of European Union und Goethe Inst. / Culture Moves Europe
Funding, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung


Stipend, Stiftung Kunstfond, NEUSTART plus
Artist in residence, SÍM, Iceland
Artist in residence, Hans-Kock Foundation, Seekamp
Arte Laguna Prize, Longlist


Artist in residence, Kunstplass contemporary art, Oslo
Travel Funding, Ministry of Economy, Education and Culture Schleswig-Holstein
Project Funding, Art and Kultur Department City Kiel
Shortlist, Artist in residence, DA Kunsthaus Gravenhorst, studio for non-linear thinking
Jury Grant "Kulturhimmel", studio for non-linear thinking


Project Funding, Neustart Kultur C, BBK, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media
Stipend, VG Bildkunst
PAV_STIP, Kulturwerk SH e.V.
Artist in residence, Söl’ring Foriining, Sylt / Keitum
Stipend Landeskulturverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V.


Project Funding, City Kiel for art in public space
Projekt Funding, Sønderborg Komune, DK
Funding, Landeskulturverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V.


Travel Funding, Office for Culture and Further Education, Kiel


Project Funding, Office for Culture and Further Education, Kiel
3. prize art in architecture competition, announced by the city of Kiel


Artist in residence, Söl’ring Foriining, Sylt / Keitum


Artist in residence, baltic sea lab, Gdansk, Poland
P!NK . push, working grant, Haus 8 e.V.
Project Funding, Office for Culture and Education, Kiel


2. prize, public art competition, pbr Rohling AG, Osnabrück


Shortlist, mfi Prize for public art competition
Project Funding by the Office for Culture and Further Education, Kiel
Stipend, young talent- and project scholarship for Artistic Research, Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel


1. Muthesius Prize for Art, Space and Design 2012, area Art
Project Funding by the Office for Culture and Further Education, Kiel


Work scholarship of the Landeskulturverband Schleswig-Holstein, Kunstraum B, Kiel
Shortlist, Gottfried Brockmann Prize, Kiel


1. Prize, public art competition, Federal Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning,
Honored for the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin Adlershof



/ RadaR Galleri / Sønderborg, DK (upcoming)


chili seitz - bits of land and sea - two exhibitions and one cycle / SíM Gallery, Reykjavik, IS
chili seitz - bits of land and sea - wind and weather / Gerdarsafn Museum, Reykjavik, IS


intertidal ecographies / Hans-Kock Foundation, Schilksee


about the future of two murderes / Kunstraum B, (with Ute Diez und Kerstin Daiber)


B-fragt (1) How much answer is inside a question? / Kunstraum B (with Ute Diez)


young urban art / Kunstverein Elmshorn, Industriemuseum Elmshorn
kɔnˈtsɛpt | kʊnst / Kunstraum B, Kiel
own your own view / Museum der unerhörten Dinge, Berlin


Gegenüberstellung / Kunstverein Haus 8, Kiel (K)
RESET / Kunstraum B, Kiel


Marooned 3 / Galerie Juni, Kiel


Preetzise 13 / Kunstkreis Preetz e.V.

groupshows (selected)


Photography / Glasgow Gallery of Photography, UK
SURROUNDINGS, utopie und unsichtbare Prozesse/ Galerie im Marstall, Ahrensburg (upcoming)
light and landscape of the north / Collection Roosen-Trinks, Wittkielhof (upcoming)


Insta me Baby / Sammlung Roosen-Trinks, Wittkielhof
Grænserum / Augustiana Museum, Augustenburg, DK
EVERYONE BUT CASPAR! / Kunsthalle Niendorf
Grænserum / Prospekt Space, Copenhagen DK


SCHWARZmalen - WEISSmachen / Museumsberg Flensburg
diversity / Galerie Rainer Gröschl, Kiel
DYADE / Schleswig-Holstein-Haus, Schwerin
Auf Augenhöhe / Künstlerforum, Bonn
Grænselandsudstellingen / Sønderjyllandshallen, Aabenraa DK (K)
SiM Hlöduloftid / Reykjavik, IS
Sjüün / Sylt Museum, Keitum


das kleine Format / Kunst und Co. Flensburg
69 Landesschau / Professional Association of Visual Artists Schleswig-Holstein, Stadtgalerie Kiel (C)
Hier & Hier | Drostei / Museum Pinneberg
Pocket Art / Kunstraum B, Kiel
Eksperimenter / Experimente / Nikolai Kunst und Kultur, Kolding
Systeme und Freiheit / Brunswiker Pavillion, Kiel
Revise! / Atelierhaus, Kiel (C)
gem-einsam / pop-up-pavillon, Kiel (C)


68 Landesschau / Professional Association of Visual Artists Schleswig-Holstein, Museum Pinneberg (C)
Vom Nagel ... / Kunstraum B, Kiel
EKsperimenter / Experimente / BBK Pavillon Kiel, Sonderborg
Es ist Platz über sechs / Kulturwerk SH e.V., Pinneberg


Spejlinger / Radar Gallery, Multikulturhuset, Sønderborg
borrow pictures like books / 40 years Stadtbilderei, Stadtgalerie Kiel
MIX / Kunstverein Haus 8 e.V., Kiel


66 Landesschau / Professional Association of Visual Artists Schleswig-Holstein, Museum Schlewsig (C)
Das klinische Bild - Kunst beflügelt Genesung / (mit Ute Diez) Medizin- und Pharmaziehistorische Sammlung Kiel (C)
MIX / Kunstverein Haus 8 e.V., Kiel
planning future / Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo (C)
offenheit / touring exhibition, Neustadt i.H. (C)


65 Landesschau / Professional Association of Visual Artists Schleswig-Holstein Museumsberg Flensburg (C)
MIX / Kunstverein Haus 8 e.V., Kiel
Brunswiker Pavillion, BBK Kiel
offenheit / touring exhibition, Schleswig-Holstein, Stiftung Drachensee (C)
Museumsnacht 2018, Muthesius Kunsthochschule / Kunstraum B, Kiel


Museumsnacht 2017 / Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel
art in public space / im Degginger, Regensburg
MIX / Kunstverein Haus 8 e.V., Kiel
Brunswiker Pavillion / BBK Kiel


response / Kunstverein westwerk, Hamburg
Kiellinie / Galerie M, BVBK, Potsdam
u.A.w.g. / BIG Gallery / Dortmund


GIS, Trongate 103 / Glasgow
baltic house lab, Artcenter / Danzig (C)


ALLES WAS IST / Industriemuseum / Elmshorn
im Kielwasser / Künstlerhaus, Dortmund


name that thing / Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg (C)
Volume Showroom / Workspace, Gallery/ Berlin


Young Urban Art / Kunstverein Elmshorn
Preview Berlin / mit Umtrieb Kiel, Galerie für aktuelle Kunst, Berlin
Plan B / Emergeandsee , media arts festival, Berlin
Something is rotten… / Kunstverein Haus 8 e.V., Kiel (C)
Muthesius Prize Exhibition (der gestiftete Blick in guter Gesellschaft), Kunsthalle zu Kiel (C)


Brockmann Prize Exhibition / Stadtgalerie, Kiel (C)
Preview Berlin / mit Umtrieb Kiel, Galerie für aktuelle Kunst, Berlin
Leergut / Alte Brauerei, Neumünster
Neues Museum am Schloss / Neues Museum am Schloss, Kiel
Bir bakalım… / Kunstraum B, Kiel
Jeder hat schon eine Ausrede, warum er nicht berühmt wird / Lessinghalle, Kiel


Hula Hoop / Kunstraum Rathaustraße, Kiel
Batman & Robin / Kunstraum B Exil Galerie, Kiel (C)
Auswahlausstellung / Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg


3 meter 50 / Lessinghalle Kiel
Studierendenwettbewerb Kunst am Bau / UdK Berlin (C)


17 // 24 Künstlerförderung des Cusanuswerkes / Galerie am bunten Tor, Bremen Sieben Räume / Galerie auf der Freiheit, Schleswig
Diorama / European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück (C)


stray for art / Scope London, Großbritannien, mit Umtrieb Kiel, Galerie für aktuelle Kunst (C) Katalog



wind and weather / photography on flagfabrik, three flags hoisted at Gerdarsafn Museum, IS


Sjüün AR / An augmented reality enabled app for the island of Sylt, as well as the installation of the 'Archive of Intangible Monuments' at five locations on the island of Sylt, and in the Sylt Museum, Keitum
Wellingdorfer Wohnzimmer / studio of non-linear thinking, Kiel


DR_AUF_SICHT / art in public space, old botanical garden, Kiel (studio for non linear thinking)
wind and weather / photography on flagfabrik, flags hoisted in Glücksburg D, Holnis D, Sønderborg DK, Båtstø NO
Sjüün AR / a augmented reality enabled app for the island of Sylt, as well as the installation of the 'Archive of Intangible Monuments' at five locations on the island of Sylt, and in the Sylt Museum, Keitum


wind and weather / photography on flagfabrik, flags hoisted in Kiel, Wenningstedt and Keitum on Sylt, D
STILLE HALTEN, temporary Lightinstallation at Anscharcampus Kiel (studio for non linear thinking)


picture.This / art in public, Sønderborg, Danmark


Abschied / art on the building in the farewell rooms of the UKSH Campus Kiel and Lübeck (studio for nonlinear thinking)
Peppermint and Sage / art on construction in the day care center „Blue Elephant“ Neumünster
Wellingdorfer living room and Kieler Kuhle / artistic intervention, Kiel Wellingdorf (studio for nonlinear thinking)


Wellingdorfer living room / artistic intervention with participation, Kiel Wellingdorf (studio for nonlinear thinking)
Mauertalente / artistic intervention with participation, Lübeck (studio for nonlinear thinking)


SJÜÜN / app based audio installation of the 'Archive of immaterial monuments' on the island of Sylt, and in the Sylt Museum, Keitum (term until 2020)
Wenn Du fort bist, ist alles nur halb / UKSH Kiel, art on construction for the palliative station (studio for nonlinear thinking)


CROSSOVER > Power Ballet / Flag Performance on the MFG 5 terrain, crossover German Danish History, Kiel (K)


WIDOK / an audio production in the public space of the city of Gdańsk in cooperation with the National Museum Gdańsk and the Maritim Museum Gdańsk


Unknown and named Ur-relatives / radio play production shown in the Botanical Garden Berlin-Dahlem,
H_ü_H - rolling poetry - rotating Palindrome / A text installation on the Kiel main station
Hans & Gloria / Radio play as part of the Händelfestspiele in Halle (Saale)
Unknown and named Ur-relatives / radio play production shown in the Botanical Garden Kiel,


the waiting room for great luck / temporary interventions in the city of Kiel


funken / sparks, Sculptures for Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, art in public space, Berlin
own your own view / art in public space, Berlin


d.i.s.k.r.e.t. werden / Intervention in the state parliament, Schleswig Holstein, Kiel


Sculpture catapult / (mit H.Lörper, C. Schlotfeld, A. Peiffer), Permanent installation in the Herbert-Gerisch Sculpturepark, Neumünster (K)



GetTopf / Artprojekt with the village Gettorf and Kreiskultur


WIR - Welten in Resonanz, inclusiv project with studio for non-linear thinking


kreuz und quer / Quartiersentwicklungsprojekt, Library Preetz (studio for non-linear thinking)


Producing an Augmented Reality App


Farewell / art on the building in the farewell rooms of the UKSH Campus Kiel and Lübeck (studio for nonlinear thinking)
Peppermint and Sage / art on construction in the day care center „Blue Elephant“ Neumünster
Wellingdorfer living room and Kieler Kuhle / artistic intervention, Kiel Wellingdorf (studio for non-linear thinking)


Wellingdorfer Wohnzimmer / art in public space, Kiel Wellingdorf (studio for nonlinear thinking)
Mauertalente / Wallpainting, Lübeck (studio for nonlinear thinking)


"" (title) / UKSH Kiel, art on construction for the palliative station (studio for nonlinear thinking)


CROSSOVER Project about German Danish History, Kiel
„echt gut“, Order of the City Mission Kiel, redesign of the furniture market (studio for nonlinear thinking)


Radio play performance "Hans & Gloria" in the St. Lukas church, Kiel
PINK.push, Project for the promotion of young talent, Kiel
„auf dem teppich bleiben“, public art competition by the housing association Kiel Ost in Kiel Ellerbeck (studio for nonlinear thinking)


Foundation of the GbR „studio for nonlinear thinking"
„leitung“, public art competition for the Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverband Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (studio for nonlinear thinking)
Hans & Gloria / Radio play as part of the Händelfestspiele in Halle (Saale)
curatorial conception of the exhibition EVERYTHING IS for the industrial museum Elmshorn


Foundation of the intervention platform essay [art and concepts]


Speech roles in the audition "L'éphémère est éternel" after Michel Seuphor. A production by and with Petra Maria Meyer, Kiel


Stage and costume for "Fire with me" / Oliver Kluck, R: M. Claessen, Chemnitz


Stage and Costume for "Trust" / Falk Richter, R: M. Claessen, Theater im Bauturm, Cologne
Bühne and costume for "The Man in Her" / (DSE), Claire Dowie, R: M. Claessen, Deutsches Theater Göttingen
Member the producer gallery Prima Kunst, Kiel

public collections

Stadtgalerie Kiel
Museumsberg Flensburg
Industriemuseum Elmshorn
Sylt Museum
Collection Roosen-Trinks

lectures | workshops

since 2021 Lecturer at the Kunstskolen in Sønderborg, Danmark
since 2015 Project-related art education in schools, Schleswig-Holstein
2016 - 2019 Artistic Director and 1st Chairman of Kunstverein B, Kiel
2014 - 2017 Expert for Art in the Public Space of the BBK S-H
2013 / 14 Lecturer in Media Art at the Muthesius Art Academy Kiel


Grænselandsudstillingen 2023 / Hrsg. Abenraa Kommune
Landesschau / Hrsg. BBK SH, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022
offenheit / artegrale, Hrsg. Stiftung Drachensee, 2018
Wo Kunst entsteht / Schleswig-Holstein, Hrsg. multipel art, 2018
The Baltic House Lab 2015 / Hrsg. Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury w Gdańsku // The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdansk, 2015
Kunst am Bau / Projekte des Bundes 2006 -2013, Berlin, Hrsg. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit, 2014
Wettbewerb Kunst am Bau / Osnabrück Hrsg. pbr planungsbüro, 2014
name that thing, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / Hamburg, Hrsg. Arnold Dreyblatt, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, 2014
Dokumentation von 50 Kunst-am-Bau-Werken / BMVBS-Online-Publikation, Nr. 05/2013, Hrsg. Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung, Berlin, 2013
Gegenüberstellung, Katalog zur Einzelausstellung Chili Seitz und Ute Diez / Hrsg. Kunstverein Haus 8 e.V., 2012 Something is rotten… Gedächtnisfiguren- Fragmente- Evolutionspsychosen, Hrsg. Kunstverein Haus 8 e.V. Kiel, Katalog zu einer Ortsbezogenen Gruppenausstellung, 2012
Gottfried Brockmann Preis 2011, Hrsg. Landeshauptstadt Kiel/Stadtgalerie Kiel, 2011
gehen blühen fliesen, Naturverhältnisse in der Kunst, Hrsg. Stadtgalerie Kiel/Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, 2011
Bildhauerei, Skulptur, Installation , Raumkonzepte, Klasse Wagner, Hrsg. Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, 2007/08, 2008/09 und 2009/10
Kunst am Bau und ihre Vermittlung, 7.Werkstattsgespräch, Dokumentation, Hrsg. Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung, 2009
Raumfluten, Jahreskatalog der Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, 2009
European Media Art Festival, Identity, www.emaf.de, Osnabrück, 2008
Gerisch- Skulpturenpark, Kunst im Außenraum, Wachholz Verlag, Herbert-Gerisch-Stiftung Neumünster, 2007